Philosophy of Technology & Media

Technology & media commonly represent both the subject-object relation (the difference between persons & things) & the history-nature relation (the difference between humanity & the non-human). By this almost self-evident relationality (production-consumption) they are better suited than many other topics for discussing the philosophical sense of the 'idea', which is a structure that makes interdependent what is subjective & objective. To counterbalance the typical one-sided objectivist concern for technology & media, we might consider the features of subjectivity that come into play with any actual existence of them, namely in their use by beings who are ...

Explore these diagrams of those aspects for their relevance to technology & media.

The Evolution of Machinic Intelligence
Mattero Pasquinelli.
Global Structure of the Emotions
Ortony, Clore, Collins 1988; The Cognitive Structure of Emotions.
Artist Chapel
op.AL Architecture & Design
The Components of Action
Bhaskar 2008; Dialectic, the Pulse of Freedom.
theorist period lived subject (specialization) object (investigation) major work
Gilbert Simondon 1924-1989 philosopher technology 1958. On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects.
Regis Debray 1940- journalist media 1994. Media Manifestos: Technological Transmission of Cultural Forms.
Niklas Luhmann 1927-1998 sociologist systems 1995. Art as Social System.
Alfred North Whitehead 1861-1947 mathematician process 1929. Process & Reality.
Andre Leroi-Gourhan 1911-1986 archaeologist artifactuality 1964. Gesture & Speech.
Bernard Stiegler 1952- philosopher mnemotechnics 2001. Technics & Time 3.
Rene Thom 1923-2002 mathematician morphogenesis 1972. Structural Stability & Morphogenesis.
Freidrich Kittler 1943-2011 literary scholar prostheticity 1986. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter.
Donella Meadows 1941-2001 environmental scientist feedback 2007. Thinking in Systems.
Lewis Mumford 1995-1990 historian mechanization 1934. Technics & Civilization.
Roland Barthes 1915-1980 linguist semiosis 1964. Elements of Semiology.
Umberto Eco 1932-2016 literary critic idiolects 1984. Semiotics & the Philosophy of Language.
Gregory Bateson 1904-1980 anthropologist cybernetics 1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind.
Andrew Feenburg 1943- critical theorist instrumentalization 1999. Questioning Technology.
Richard Doyle NA artificial life scholar wetware 2003. Wetwares: Experiments Postvital Living.
Lev Manovich 1960- CS scholar hybridity 2013. Software Takes Command.
Lawrence Lessig 1961- software scholar laws 2006. Code 2.0.